About Osteopathy
Osteopaths consider each person as an individual. Utilising gentle techniques they will work with your body to create the perfect conditions to encourage the healing process. Osteopaths assess and treat people of any age from the new born to the elderly and from pregnant women to sports people.
At our clinics we will always aim to give an honest opinion. We will listen to your needs and provide a clear explanation of your condition with advice on self-help and management. Where necessary we will facilitate an onward referral if that proves to be appropriate.
Professionalism and Safety:
- Osteopaths study for four to five years for an undergraduate degree. This is similar to a medical degree, with emphasis on anatomy and musculoskeletal medicine.
- Training includes more than 1,000 hours of osteopathic techniques
- It is an offence for anyone to call themselves an osteopath if they are not registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC)
- The British Medical Association’s guidance for general practitioners states that doctors can safely refer patients to osteopaths
- Osteopathy is recommended by National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) for lower back pain
- Osteopathy is safe, natural and effective
- A recent, independent study showed that 96% of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with their osteopathic care

Osteopathy can be very effective in the treatment of:
- Back and neck pain
- Sciatica
- Sports injuries
- Hip, shoulder and knee problems
- Arthritic pain
- Headaches (cervico-genic)